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Life Cycle Analysis of 'Bitcoin Mining': A Case Study of Greenidge Power Plant, Dresden, NY

04/20/2021 3:32 PM | Kaitlin Fello

A great success on Saturday at the Earth Day protest to oppose the Greenidge Generation Bitcoin Mining Operation. Thank you to Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes, Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper AffiliateVinny Aliperti, Michael Warren Thomas, and other organizers who brought concerned citizens together to show the Town of Torrey Planning Board that the Greenidge expansion should wait for an environmental study.

Seneca Pure Waters President, Jake Welch, spoke at the rally (8:20), which can be viewed entirely here.

In addition, a case study of Greenidge Power Plant was developed ahead of the Town of Torrey decision on Monday night, by a group of Hobart and William Smith Colleges professors, and can be viewed below.

Prepared by Martin Roeck, Thomas Drennen, John Halfman

Click the slide above to view full case study.

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