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Pure Waters’ Stream Monitoring and the Penn Yan WWTP Overflow

08/29/2021 8:58 AM | Jody Tyler

Precipitation values for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 17, 18, 19…

By 12:00am on 8/19, discharge peaked from Keuka Outlet at Dresden at 3290 cubic feet per second(cfs). Discharge rates continued above 2000cfs until approximately 10:00am that same morning.

Manhole 360 (DEC)/ 135 Seneca Street.

Seneca Pure Waters recently had a meeting with the representatives from the D.E.C. Regional 8 office.  Although the New York Sewage Right to Know alert originally reported a spillage of over 34 million gallons, D.E.C. officials indicated that the volume was miscalculated, and subsequent alerts were corrected.  In reality, approximately 177,000 gallons of sewage spilled into the Keuka Outlet, and towards Seneca Lake.

The NYS Alerts also revealed the location of the incident: 135 Seneca Street, Penn Yan.  This property sits directly adjacent to The Birkett Mills.

The Olney Place Flood Image

Mean Discharge, Seneca River

Mean Discharge Graph

Keuka Lake Levels

135 Seneca Street, Location of Sewage Pollution Event

Birkett Mills

Birkett Mills Map

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